Contrast Water Therapy
How it works
A contrast water therapy session involves up to 45 minutes of alternating between our hot and cold magnesium pools which are approximately 39* and 8* respectively. When exposing the body to alternating temperature pools your blood vessels constrict and expand which reduces and then increases the flow of blood and fresh oxygen throughout the body. In addition to the circulatory and oxygen increases, the cold water immersion, like a cold pack, aids in reducing swelling and inflammation, and the hot water immersion, like a heat pack, improves tissue pliability and joint mobility.

For Your Body
For Your Mind
Increase blood circulation
Reduce inflammation
Improve tissue repair
Reduced pain
Increased metabolism
Increased removal of toxins and lactic acid
Increased immune strength
Reduces stress
Improved relaxation
Improved sleep quality
Improved productivity and “feel” good energy